PLEASE COMPLETE THE EVALUATION FORM BELOW Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated! Evaluation Form "*" indicates required fields Name*School Name*Email Address*Grade Level Taught*Please select the grade level in which the material was taught.K1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12thCourse TitleExample: Business MathMandatory Class Yes No Program UsageNumber of sessions spent teaching the program?Approximate hours each student spent on program?Teacher overview of the programEase of use of the material Fair Good Excellent Quality of content Fair Good Excellent Relevance for your students Fair Good Excellent Relevance to academic standards Fair Good Excellent Which Best describes your student's confidence level of financial concepts taught?Track Income and Expenses Somewhat Confident Confident Very Confident Create a budget and use it Somewhat Confident Confident Very Confident Use electronic methods of payment Somewhat Confident Confident Very Confident Manage a checking account Somewhat Confident Confident Very Confident Save money regularly Somewhat Confident Confident Very Confident Use credit wisely and cautiously Somewhat Confident Confident Very Confident Understand identity theft Somewhat Confident Confident Very Confident How did you integrate Saving with Mandy and Randy into your curriculum?Check all that applyIntegrate Taught new concepts Reinforced concepts Read story and colored in class Read story and colored for homework Used Activity Sheets in class Used Activity Sheets as homework Used daily for several days Used over longer period of time as it related to skills being taught Did students successfully complete this program? Yes No Did students enjoy using this program? Yes No Did you have a guest speaker from your sponsor? Yes No Would you like to use this program again next year? Yes No Would you be interested in a guest speaker next year? Yes No Would you recommend this program to other colleagues? Yes No Comments* Δ